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That's kind of my point, Taro.
Does Felix have a poor fastball?  His FB/C rating THIS season is 1.09 - (highest of his career).  And, it has improved steadily since 2007.  In 2009, Felix threw the Slider 13.1% of the time and had a 0.35 w/C rate.  This year, he's throwing it 10% and his w/C has jumped to 1.39.  Honestly, Felix' 2010 numbers LOOK like he *IS* optimizing his repetoire.
League is almost beyond analysis - because his 2009 numbers show negative w/C rating for FB, CB and SF -- the ONLY pitch with a positive w/C was his change, which he threw 32% of the time.  According to Fangraphs he hasn't thrown a change all year - but EVERY pitch for League in 2010 has a positive w/C.  Hard to see how that maps to he's changed for the worse.

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