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Sorry, but on this one, I think you've missed the boat, Doc.
There might be an 11K 3.5BB Felix.  And I would argue that he'd likely be WORSE than the current one, (albeit only slightly).  Why?  Because, as a group, the SABR community (and even moreso, the casual fans), drastically overrate the value of the K in relation to the BB and HR rates.
For their careers, Unit fanned 10.6 to Pedro's 10.  Pedro beat Unit in ERA by 1/3 of a run, while pitching mostly in the pitcher's nightmare that is Fenway.  The HR rates were nearly the same (.8 and .9) - but the walk rate was almost a full walk per game apart. 
I watched Maddux and Smoltz for 15 years - and from the beginning until the end, Smoltz had VASTLY superior "stuff" to Maddux.  Smoltz fanned two more guys per game than Maddux.  Yet, Maddux finished up .17 ERA better.  Maddux fanned a paltry 6.1 per game (in the NL), won 4 consecutive Cy Youngs, and had a pair of back-to-back sub-1.7 ERA years - and he didn't fan 8 in ANY of them. 
I'm not intending to be flippant or antagonistic here - but whining about Felix not fanning enough guys is just that - whining.  You do NOT win Cy Youngs and become the best pitcher in baseball by walking MORE guys.
Maddux - 1.8 BB/9; Pedro - 2.4-BB/9; Unit - 3.3-BB/9 (but he had ONE season before age 34 with fewer than 3-BB per game - and that was his '95 CY).  He then added his other 4 in the NL - ALL with BB/9 numbers under 3.0. 
Honestly, Smoltz is a near perfect comp to Felix -- statistically, they're very close, and until he did his stint as closer, he was also a "frustrating" ace to watch - because the eyeball said he was "easily" the best pitcher of the big three, but didn't have the results you'd expect ... UNTIL age 29, (like Unit), when he STOPPED trying to miss every bat.  Early on, he was running K/BB ratios in the mid 2s, but when he dropped the walk totals, he spend the rest of his career in the mid 3s (or higher). 
Smoltz finished with a 3.05 K/BB; 
Unit -- 3.26
Maddux - 3.37
Pedro?  --- 4.15
Felix today -- 2.92 (career) - 3.39 for the season
If he were to go to 11.5 and 3.5 that would be a good K/BB ratio.  But, that's a tad worse than he's running this season.  (And, it would likely cost him innings).  I know that most weren't thrilled with the Bedard early exit strategies.  (And most give credit for Bedard's breakout year to his K rate spiking above 10.  Funny how it is missed that this was his ONLY season with a walk rate under 3).
That said - the GREAT pitchers who upped their games, often got BOTH a lower BB rate AND an increased K rate when it went click.  Unit was fanning 10.5 and walking 4-6, but raised his K-rate at the same time his walk rate plunged. 
It's funny - as much as we talk about how clutch (for hitters) doesn't exist.  For SPs, I think it does.  Maddux wasn't a dominant K-pitcher.  But, he COULD go for a strikeout when he "needed" one - (and often get it).  For SPs, I think 'clutch' actually may be applicable.  Knowing WHO to pitch around - who to attack - who to fan - who to get a groundball from.  THAT is pitching. 
Hey.  Maybe Felix has taken it to another level.  But, it's far more likely, he's just running a very typical hot streak that every good pitcher has from time to time.  But, for the life of me, I cannot think of (or can find) *ANY* pitcher who improved as his walk rate got worse.

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