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Sometimes a high BABIP in the low minors can be a sign of a guy who is too good for the league. Looking at his monthly splits hes never had a BABIP lower than .375. Given that LD rate is really unreliable in the minors, I think hes probably going to be high BABIP wherever he goes although hes going to lose 50 points easy as he moves up.
The K rate is a bit high which is usually a bad sign in the low minors, but since Rivers' BB rate is so high as well, we're probably talking about a bunch of "called strikeouts". A bunch of BBs and called strikeouts usually pan out in the higher levels if the hitter's pitch recognition skills can catch up with the better pitching.
The only real way of finding out if Rivers' pitch recognition skills are going to translate to the higher levels is to promote him and give him an everyday job. High A seems like a good spot for him in '11.

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