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As we've always noted, you're the athlete-turned-sports-analyst who will look people in the eye with a steady gaze.   If there were nothing else going for you, that alone would make you special in your profession.
From Howard Lincoln to the first-time commenter, you treat them all with the same respect and skepticism.  The person who views him/herself, and others who differ from him, as equals -- that's worth its weight in gold, especially in the media.
Appreciate your clarifications. 
If you have no objections, we'll follow on, hopefully in an even-handed manner.  If you'd rather we left you with the last word on it there, we could probably accommodate.
Glad to hear that you may be covering the Mariners for a while yet.  Those 100 L's, somebody needs to hold their feet to the fire a little bit  :- )

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