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According to this article the prosecution wanted 3 years prison time, but Lueke held out and got time served.  That is more like a superior negotiation rather than a judge finding that he only deserved time served.
I have to admit that on this issue I find my self between a rock and a hard place.  As a man that believes in second chances and mistakes and things that happen when your young and dumb my first instinct is to tell everyone to calm down about what happened and give Lueke (and therefore Z and Fusco) a break.  It isn't like the girl wasn't in at least some way complicit (she wasn't forced to drink alcohol until she blacked out).  On the other hand as a man of morals and as a father to daughters I find my self thinking it is reprehensible that a young man would allow himself to be drunk in the first place or that he would consider sex with some one clearly inebriated is ok, or even that sex before marriage is ok.  And that side of me wants to applaud HowChow for standing up for what is right.
I worry that my selfish desire to see my favorite team do well is warring against my moral desire to see right done and to see men treat women with respect, and to see young people acting responsibly (the young woman is being punished in all of this too).  It worries me that I really WANT to agree with your article, and really WANT to bash on Lincoln and Armstrong, but then there is this nagging voice inside my head that says, "they are right you know, having sex with a blacked out girl IS wrong!  Who cares if the guy can throw 95".  
Really for the first time in my life I think I can look at Howard and Chuck and say, well done, maybe you are the only Pres and CEO that would stand up for a young girl, that would stand up for what is morally right, but that doesn't make all of the other CEOs right.
Of course then there is a third side of me that wants to say, well the kid served his time and was punished lets just drop it now, you guys are over reacting.  So...  I don't know, this is a much more complicated issue than, they brought in Z to bring in talent so don't get upset at how he does it.  I think that is painting with way to wide a brush.  
They want Z to bring in great talent because he is a great talent evaluator and good at finding diamonds in the rough, not good at buying low on someone else's damaged goods!

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