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I would like to register my agreement that Baker is a standup guy willing to do the trench work to come up with and defend his positions. When I think of Times baseball writers of the past like Bob Finnegan, it makes me really, really appreciate what we have in mister G.B. I hope he does in fact stay here a long time. And I consider myself duly chastened for speculating as to his career agenda.
I fundamentally disagree with Geoff in his work on this issue that he has fulfilled his duty as a sportwriter when he presents Leuke as simply a rapist with incredible pitching ability, nothing more, nothing less. If that were the case, no team in baseball would have him. It clearly is not the case. There is more to the story, else Leuke would not have remained with the Rangers, neither would he have been acquired by the Mariners. The overly simplistic presentation when it comes to Leuke's personal story omits an integral part of the story. A fuller and more fair presentation is not just a PR duty of the Mariners.

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