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david h's picture

 "...until the poster DH accused us of being unconsciously racist"
I'm fairly certain I have made no such accusation.  Please tell me where I did.  The only time I raised race as a potential reason for the support for Lueke was when writing, "I'm not calling anyone out specifically, and not assigning specific motives or biases, but would there be such support voiced if he was not a talented white athlete in the Mariners organization?  Or just not a talented athlete?  Or just not white? Or just not a Mariner?"
I posed questions for thought and conversation, and one of those was whether race had anything to do with this.  I've also written that I think the fact that he is a Mariner is the driving factor behind his support.  I guess if you think asking these open, non-accusatory questions is akin to accusing people of racism, then there you go.
The other post(s) about race were, as is clear in the posts and as I explained again above, in response to the "white males accused . . . " factor, which I simply argued is not a non-racial factor.

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