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glmuskie's picture

I think you're extrapolating way too much here, david h.
I sincerely hope we've reached a point where questioning racial motivations only happens *when there is a reason to think it might be a factor*.  As far as I can see, the only reason you are raising the issue is because Leuke's white.  That's not enough. 
Show us an inequity in how fans view their team's atheltes based on their skin color, then maybe we've got a problem.  But as Doc points out, kinda the opposite is the case.  This same group of fans has been decidedly supportive of troubled (non-white) athletes, particularly recently.
I also must say, your response to Doc's statement of it being 'a simple recognition of injustice' is shameful.  Saying that it is 'selectively white and tellingly silent about other injustices' is a completely false and meaningless response.  Take ANY injustice.  Let's pick slavery in America.  To discuss that injustice only would be 'selectively black and tellingly silent about other injustices'. 
You're attempting to broaden the argument outside of what is relevent, and trying to paint your position as holier-than-thou.  But this discussion is about Leuke's case, not all the other injustices in the world.  Let's keep it at that.

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