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I've always been of the opinion that you let spring training decide what you are going to do with a player.  Whether it's a rookie or a long time vet.  If Ackley comes in and hits and fields like a major leaguer, then he starts with the big club out of spring.  Dont' force anything and don't go in with preconceived ideas of what is going  to happen.  Cardinals did that with Pujols 10 years ago.  In baseball 6 years down the road is too long to be making a decision about.  Whe was the Mariners manager 6 years ago? 
As far as Smoak being sent down I believe it was the right decision, not because of how he was hitting in the Majors but because on the day of the trade Z mentioned that he thought Smoak was rushed to begin with in Texas.  Looks like it helped but who really knows.
Anybody else curious about Manny as a DH for the M's next year?

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