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Stars & Scrubs dictates handing the ball to the guys who have more talent than the enemy's guys do...
You don't see *any* of the 30 MLB franchises delaying, say, ARod or Mauer or Felix an extra 2-3 years just so they can get the max $/VORP out of the commodity ... when that player has learned 85% of what he can learn at AAA, he gets moved up...
Therefore, the subconscious factor comes right back to "Do we have faith in him?"
I'll bet alllllll dayyyyyy long, on the guy who owns the strike zone...
This is true not only of Ackley, but of Justin Smoak too... only difference, we have SEEN a false start from Smoak, and haven't SEEN failure from Ackley... both are as-good-as-it-gets, though...

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