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That number is zero.  The reason I didn't use .400 as a defining characteristic is that it's practically impossible in the modern era.  Chase Utley has done it once.
I don't have access to B-R's search database, but based on a quick pull, crossing .400 OBP as a 2B in 500+ plate appearances has been done 47 times in the last 40 years.  Not by 47 people, 47 times.
So about once a year it happens.
 Places ten to twenty on the list go from .424 to .411: Knoblauch, Randolph, Alomar 3 times, Morgan twice, Biggio twice, Rod Carew and Luis Castillo.
Morgan did it SEVEN times since 1970.
Alomar did it 5.
Carew did it 4 times before switching to 1B.
Biggio was also a 4-timer.
Randolph had a 3-peat.
Knoblauch twice.
So of the 47 times it's been done in those 40 years, 25 of em (or over HALF) were by those 6 guys.
.400 from the middle infield isn't cute or nice or a bonus, it's historic.
Multiple times?  Start counting HOF votes if he has ANY power or lasting ability.

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