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One thing I would keep in mind when comping steroid era PITCHER arcs is that strikeouts come hand in hand with high HR rates, (always have).  While the chemistry set may have added a foot or two to the baseball in flight - the CHOICE to go for those two extra feet ALSO generated the acceptance that fanning more was acceptable.
In 1986 NL K/G peaked at 6.01 - and went DOWN through 1993, (5.88) with a low of 5.69 in 1988.
In 1994, Ks jumped all the way to 6.32.  (abberation), and leapt again to 6.61 in '95.  Ks eventually peaked in 2001 (6.92).  By 2005, the K/G was down to 6.49. 
However, K/9 has started going up again since 2008, reaching a new all-time him (NL) this season of 7.4.  The AL peak is 6.9 in 2009. 
The point is not that Felix can or cannot match Schilling's arc.  The point is, we KNOW we've just gone through a time period where the final stat tallies are screwed up.  So, utilizing the stats from this era as comps has it share of problem.s

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