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Olerud with wheels....I love that comparison.  I would add that Olerud had a bit more of long-distance pop, but it is a very fair comparison.  BTW, check out Oleruds first three Toronto seasons:  Composit .267-.365-.440.  he hit 47 homers in those first three (full) years....but they are eerily reminiscent of my .270-.370-.400 call for Ackley in the 2nd half of his '11.
Olerud was an Ackley-like young phenom.  Heck, he was a pitcher at Wazzu, as well as a masher.  Played in the league at age of 20 having never played an inning of minor league ball.  From '93-'02 Olerud OWNED the strike zone (in either league) as was a 20-plus homer threat...and a 35 (or more) two-bagger guy.  Give Ackely two years in the league...and he's Olerud-lite.  Not quite the power at the plate and he might not hit Olerud's peaks (Olerud has a .363-.473 year and one that was .354-.447) but Ackley is going to play a middle infield spot, as well.  I suppose we could all be full of hooey and Ackley crashes and burns....but it ain't going to happen.  He's going to play 2B (or LF or DH or 1B with Rose type versatility) for the M's for the next 10 years, and do it well, unless they let him get away.

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