Doc, Right on! A terrific thread!
Might I throw out another name? How about Dave Kingman?
Kong was a bit less of a TTO guy, simply because he walked less...but it was a generation when walks were less valued, as well....and minus a Joe Morgan or Ricky Henderson (and a few others) almost EVERYBODY walked less. Kong struck out a ton for his day (when everybody struck out less) but was a very valuable player with a long career for a bunch of teams. He had some great years....interspliced with some "average type" seasons. You probably can't use his Cubby years as the standard because he was almost certainly aided by a certain Wrigley factor, but even playing in cavernous Shea Stadium he was a 100+ OPS guy.
And Kingman couldn't field a lick.....Reynolds can.
Whoever has Reynolds has the very reachable upside, over the next 4 seasons, of having one great year, two average years, and one down year.
Great being 120+ OPS. Average being in the 100-110 range. Down being in the 90+ range.
He might even have two very good years.
He's a very likeable guy, from my perspective.
And as always, I'll argue that Lopez isn't the guy to offer first. Send 'em Figgins and a young arm (to balance out the slary differential).
You know I'm a big Mike Wilson fan. I haven't been shy about that. Wilson's upside (with the bat) IS Mark Reynolds.
Wemay have a shot at getting the real guy, pretty cheap (and I'ld still have Wilson on the roster).
We have young arms. We have OPB (Ackley). We don't have a masher. Figgins and arms are expendable.
My goodness....even Z can figure out this scenario, can't he?
Ichiro, Ackley, Smoak, Reynolds, Saunders, Lopez, Guti, meat-for-a-catcher, and Wilson #1 or Wilson #2 is a pretty fair lineup.
I would be excited. Throw in Wilson or Mangini, Tui, Hulett (I like that guy) and another meat and it HAS to be world's better than this years offensive nightmare.
To quote one of those Star Trek guys,
"Make it so!"
Chekc out Kingman guys, he could play.
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