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Over an average fielder, Gut saves around 15 more runs. That is very significant. Hes locked up cheap and more proven. His true offensive line is probably in between '09 and '10.
I keep hearing that Safeco improves OF defensive, but I haven't seen any confincing evidence. Safeco does allow more "chances" , but that just emphasizes the importance of having great D in the OF. It doesn't create better defenders.
The Vargas and Fisters now run 4-ish ERA in Safeco, those used to be 5-ish ERAs.
Gut is a relatively safe 4 WAR ish player and locked up long-term at a dirt cheap contract.
Saunders isn't even close to being worth that yet. I think the bust% there is way too high for him to be even remotely close to Gut in overall value. Unless your trade partner is valuing him properly, there is absolutely no reason to deal Gut IMO. Hes a much more valuable commodity than his reputation around the league.

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