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Yes.  Pineda goes.  He's the only legit blue-chipper we're willing to part with (unless Franklin is on the block after we add a SS somehow).
Gutierrez costs millions, Pineda not even half of one.  And a potential TOR pitcher is more valuable.  Most teams won't give one up except in a blockbuster.
If Kevin Towers wants to absolutely feel like he "won" the trade in order to make it, since he's under no immediate pressure to part ways with his best hitter, then in order to win you need a Pineda to get the deal done.  5 years of Upton has significant worth.
If we add him, Pineda is out of here.
If we want to add a guy like Alex Gordon for a lower price tag, since he has yet to do anything in the bigs except get injured and moved off his 3B glove position to LF, that's always an option, but for an Upton or a Rasmus we're buying Pineda a first-class ticket out of town.

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