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So it appears that the asking price for a 22 year old "potential" superstar is a starting OF and a bullpen arm and a prospect pitcher.
Are we just peeing on ourselves thinking that NOBODY else can offer more than the M's?
And then....
Upton is going to get $51M over the next 5 years.  '14 and '15 cost his team $14M and change each!  (of course, by then the M's aren't paying for Bradley...or Ichiro, perhaps)
Reynolds would cost $12.5M over the next two...and only $500K in '13 if you don't want to pay $11M for him.
It is entirely likely that Reynolds could be a more productive player (or as productive) as Upton next season.
I don't have to give up a potential #2 starter for Reynolds.
But Upton is around for the next 8 years or so....assuming you reup with him.
But you already have Ackley AND Smoak AND Franklin AND Saunders, etc. 
I don't think Z makes the Upton move, assuming we make the offer that Arizona would gobble up.  You have to pay for Upton and THEN pay for the starter that you have to find somewhere.
Great Rosterbation stuff, though.  Will be anxious to see how it turns out.
Guti (or Saunders), League, Another arm and another prospect or to...that aren't Pineda or Franklin...and I think I'll sign on.
Giving up Pineda....I don't know.

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