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The catch? He'll probably cost you at least -- and I'm saying at least -- two of the Big Three prospects in Dustin Ackley, Justin Smoak and Michael Pineda.

Meaning that Upton might well cost you all three of those guys.
Again, the fatal flaw in this logic is to lump Ackley and Smoak as "prospects."  They are not.  False premise = invalid conclusion.
Baker is thinking that Ackley is roughly comparable to, say, Jeff Clement, Phillippe Aumont, or Brandon Morrow, simply because he was drafted in a similar spot.  Which is like saying that Strasburg and Lincecum were comparable in value to other top-pitchers-in-the-draft.
The very moment that Ackley and Smoak begin hitting well, at all, in the bigs, they are each worth more than Justin Upton.
Fortunately, Geoff's reasoning on Zduriencik is simply that Z is smart enough to know that proven players are worth more than prospects.  Guarantee you that Z would not back this logic.

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