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Two teams with the same OBP and SLG ... Team 1, with more BB and HR, scores considerably more runs; Team 2, with more 1B's and 2B's, scores considerably fewer.
That's a fact; the explanation may be that an HR provides a coordinated, synergized/non-redundant effect between its four bases (as well as with the runners on base) towards a goal (all bases occur in the same inning).
You do see "bishops of opposite color" synergy/redundancy reflected in offenses, depending on event type, ya.
Not that this proves that Robinson was redundant against Belanger.
As to the Maris-Mantle issue specifically:  they go back-to-back so seldom that the effect is small, compared to the fact that they're both tremendous hitters.  Your question forgets about its own implication that you're talking about two better-than-average hitters ... :- )

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