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Why are people raking Z over the coals for NOT giving Bay a contract that competed withe Mets' ridiculous overpay?  Bay went on and had a HORRIBLE year in CitiField (which is about as much of a pitcher's park as Safeco in an inferior league).
He'd have been a DISASTER in Seattle...unmitigated disaster on a huge long term contract...and you WANT that crap?  No thank you.'re reading way...way too much into Zduriencik's 2010 campaign.  Ye, he thinks you can get bargain wins on defense...but he also doesn't think your typical glove man is going to be -25 runs on offense!  The Mariners all played way...way under their establsihed offensive production and the team cratered...and what's worse...he didn't eveng et the defense he wanted!  This is not a philosophical failure by Z...this is just a bad season.

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