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The killer for me was when Jack Cust was DFAed by the As and we DID NOT go get him.  His cost?  2.65 million.  No Russell Branyan in the offseason but here's this guy who pops open on a one year deal in April and we say, "Eh, we like our guys fine.  Sweeney's made the team again, no worries."  
Come summer and we're trading players to get the husk of Branyan back just to get SOME power, while Jack and his 128 OPS+ is killing it for the As all year.
GM Jack claimed there just weren't the deals in the offseason to add a MOTO hitter but that we'd make it work.  Then Cust is right there for the taking and we pass because Griff and Sweeney are fine, and who could use a THIRD DH after all?
He'd better find another 2 or 3+ WAR bat this year, a couple of em, and he'd better not pass up any more Custs because 2 million was too much for a 2.2 WAR bat.
Hopefully the absolute wreckage of the 2010 offense has convinced him that hitters are important to a lineup.  You can't just put cardboard cutouts up there at the plate and hope that their shiny gloves make up for their bat's inadequacies.

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