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FNietzsche's picture

I think it's important to remember baseball forums intended as roundtable discussions, not philosophical or scientific conquests.  It almost seems that some bloggers and posters prefer to see other people not voice their points of view, and instead defer to their own viewpoint.  That defeats the entire purpose.  How silly would it be if only one person were allowed to express their views without fear of having their opinions belittled?
Would you talk this way a person in real life? Why be disrespectful at all?
Is it THAT important to be 100% right?  Every time I feel like I know it all the universe has a way smacking back into my place with a quickness.
There is no upside to being rude to other people.  It is a destructive and insecure behavior that gets stronger each time it is exercise.  It is fine, even good, to disagree.  Why does ONE person get to be right and ONE person get to be wrong?  And furthermore, assuming that that person is 100% right (unlikely), why does that give them the right to belittle the other person's perspective?

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