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many, many marriages fail is because neither party can just simply put their own egos aside and apologize.  Doesn't matter who is right or wrong about the details when we have hurt some one else's feelings or sensibilities.
Who cares who is technically right or wrong when you have alienated a friend and looked like an ass in front of many others?
How hard would it have been for you to simply type: "G, I am sorry I was as harsh as I was."  And left the debate for another day?  You already admitted to being harsh, why not just apologize and move on?
Matt, you seem like a generally likable fellow when being agreed with and you are obviously very very smart.  However after observing my small children (4 and 7) I think that there is substantial evidence that shows they have more social skills and etiquette than you do.  If you can honestly read your back and forth with G and not see how you were just plain rude, then I am dumbfounded.

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