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But we don't throw math out all together (I don't think that's what you are arguing).
We can use math to sharpen our logic and (hopefully) prevent us from going down rabbit trails.
If I say that all Cinderella teams have "x" ingredient--that is suggestive. But if I look closer and realize that of the teams that had "x"ingredient, only 1% became Cinderella teams, then I probably say, "I guess that's why they call 'em Cinderella teams," and move on.
I think there is a lot of wisdom in accepting that some things just happen because of random luck and can't be reliably explained by contagiousness or protection or what have you. It doesn't mean that I reject it wholecloth, but I focus more on how to build a winning ball club than hoping for lightning to strike.
Just my two cents.

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