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But I don't remember 2010 playing out the way you guys seem to.  The way I remember it is that Guti came out of the gate in 2010 HOT (March/April Split -- .326/.378/.483/.861).  In fact he was the ONLY player that kept us even NEAR .500 in April.  And then it slowly dawned on him that every other hitter (other than Ichiro) in the lineup wasn't worth a bag of balls and that if he wanted his team to win he would have to have 4 hits 2 of which were HR a night.  Oh yeah and he was thrust into a MOTO position from day one as well, and the pressure crushed him.
IMHO the park was NOT the deciding factor in the collapse of Guti's bat last year, it was the lack of support behind him and the M's trying to force a number 2 hitter to bat fourth!
And yes he toiled for a half a year while the team circled the drain and his teammates got even WORSE, but by the last month it sure looked like he was trying to find the quickest way to end AB's because the year was terrible not because he was worried about Safeco.
His splits bear this out BTW.  He was a better batter at Home than Away, even during his swan dive.
This also syncs up better with Guti's disappointing UZR in regards to Sandy's idea that paying attention and being engaged has just as much to do with defense as speed does.  Guti because disinterested half way through the year because his team and teammates sucked and there was too much pressure on him.  Can't say I blame him, I stopped watching the M's in June as well ;)
Get Guti back into the 2 or 5 hole hitting around other good hitters and on a team actually fighting for something and I would be willing to bet we see an IMPROVED Guti not just a back to career numbers Guti.  Remember in April of last year we were wondering if Guti was becoming a better overall player than A-Gone!

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