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It would be interesting to know how much Jack Z. has shopped guti around.  I sense, however, that he might regard Guti as "his guy," much as he seems to do with Figgy.  If so, I think he will be reluctant to move Guti.
Boston just seems like the place to send him.  It looks like they are penciling Ellsbury into center, with Crawford in left.  Ellsbury is coming off an injury. doc, I seem to remember you writing about Guti's real power being in the alleys, wehre he has smote some prodigious shots.  Don't you think he would see a continual diet of pitches away if he were in Boston, once he turned on a few and sent them over the Monster, which is just a 3/4 wedge away? Pitchers might pitch to his natural power.
Anyway...I think we've seen the best of Guti already (minus 1/2 season hot streaks).  Swap him out while he has value.
Could you get Ellsbury and an arm?  Maybe....damaged goods, you know.
Imagine a lineup with Ackley batting 8th (because Z won't give Figgy the boot and will have to bat him 2nd after his successful snit fit last year) and Ellsbury 9th and then Ichiro to follow.
Even in the AL that would be a potent three player, bottom-of the line-up to the top, run.
Ackley eventually bats 3rd in '12....but not next year.
Saunders will be fine, or better with the glove in CF.  At then we can tolerate his bat if he doesn't explode.
I'm still very interested in OF #4 next year for us.

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