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Backing up the truck would be a good long as Figgy went out on it!
OK..Not happening.  I know. But even if we find a happy, content, cooperating Figgy who doesn't throw a fit for a week (month) AND he hits like he did in the 2nd half last year....This is what we get...
....That is, indeed, an improvement over the 1st half of the year. But to put it in context, this is the line from Beltre's '09...A year that most agree was an offensive disaster.
So, if last year's 2nd half is Figgy's upside...essentially we get the same performance we got from the worst season Beltre gave us...a season that drove his detractors nuts.
And we don't get that HoF glove. And the terrific clubhouse performance.
I'm hoping Figgy finds some '09 or '07 magic....but those were such outlier seasons for a couple of reasons that it can not happen again.
Essentially we get a fair-hitting, Punch and Judy, utility infielder as our everyday 3B.  For the next several years.
What more could we wish for?

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