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Tell me who the other player is and I MIGHT get behind such a trade. But I agree that, while Figgins may not be the dreamy high upside dervish with super OBP we envisioned last year, Figgins still has enough OBP, baserunning skill, and baserunning speed, not to mention a more-than-serviceable glove at third base, to warrant looking at this very closely. Is 15 home runs and .280 OBP really better than 4 home runs and .350+ OBP? Really?! How much better than Lopez is Kouzmanoff?! Would we rather have Figgins at third or Lopez/Kouzmanoff?
Of course, the appeal here is dumping a big contract rather than just comparing players. We want more money to spend now and for two years after that. But Figgins came out of his funk in the second half of last year. His second half was .286 / .349 / .339. He WAS asked to go through a LOT of changes at the same time. And the clubhouse was a complete mess. Figgins' value is not so out of line with his contract.
Yes, it can be argued that his worth is less to THIS team. And if he really IS a bad clubhouse presence, then by all means move him. I was DISGUSTED with how he acted out publicly last year. But unless the second player being discussed has good value, I'm not sure I do this trade. In fact, unless I was convinced that Figgins' value is only going to decline, as Doc suggests, I would NOT make this trade. Personally, I'm not necessarily convinced of that fact.
I'd give Figgins the first half to show who he is. Granted there is risk in this, because you might have lost the best opportunity to get some value for Figgins and get out from under his contract if in fact his production is destined to erode starting now. But I'm don't think this is as certain as presented. I'd want more value than what's being offered. That's why the second piece is so important. Kouzmanoff plus fodder is not worth it to me. Gimme a shiny prospect I feel better.

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