Doc, What would you think the difference in OPS and OPS+ between Kouz and Figgy would be next year?
If Kouz is an 88OPS guy and Figgy is 93....and you dump a bunch of $8M years...AND you get the + part.
AND you improve with the glove....
AND you have a bunch of IF-types growing up....
No brainer.
And this tells you thatZ sees Ackley as a top of the lineup guy in 2011.
I remember Bill Stein. I even listened to the first M's game ever...Spring my sophomore year at the U of O.
He was a 90 OPS guy for the M's for the 2 years he was full time...
I'l take that from Kouz!
Over the last 4 years he's OPB'ed 110,100,97,83. :last year was a bottom out. He'll bounce.
figgy has OPB'ed 117,82,110,84 over that time. The 117 was certainly an outlier year due to a sky-high BABIP.
There probably isn't much difference.
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