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Since they will shoot you in the head for non-capital crimes in Russia, bad guys are a bit less cavalier about risking time?
Amazing to me that we incarcerate as few people as we do, considering how genteel we are about punishment (relative to, say, Saddam's or Putin's thugs).
'Because sentence against an evil work is not carried out speedily, therefore the heart of a man is fully set in him to do evil.'  The U.S. punishment system is not scary.
Which is fine with me, but if it were me, I wouldn't call America 'overzealous' about law enforcement because it's so much more concerned about the rights of the condemned than other countries are. 
Talk to an emigre from Moscow sometime, brother :- ) ... they shuffle through the streets in gray trenchcoats like zombies, because the government keeps an ironfisted hammerlock everybody, good guys and bad.
Mussolini made the trains run on time.  You could empty the jails pretty quick if you were willing to fire live ammo into crowds like Russia and China are.

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