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Especially if his options are the Mariners and my local State U. down the road (where my son is a freshman) -- I can't lose!
But I guess I'm wary that his stock seems to be rising based on "YouTube legend" status rather than actual baseball games.  His season doesn't even start until March 28.
I watched Cole and Purke dominate at the College World Series, and Gray appears to have just as good of stuff (better breaking stuff), only the "stature issue" keeping him behind.  And Doc and others had Springer as #2 in the whole draft at the end of last season.  So I don't know what Starling has done to pass them (other than look good on the football field).
I did mention Starling (without naming him) as the "wild card" of the draft in my original article, and I guess I'll keep him as "wild card" until we know more.  That doesn't mean he can't parachute to #2 in a heartbeat.

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