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Rumor was he was considered as high as #12-14 but people didn't want to deal with Boras and his unreasonable demands for a raw kid.  That's why he fell in the draft the first time.  Since it didn't work out with the Blue Jays and took until March of 2011 to sign Paxton the 2nd time around I think he definitely thought he had leverage that was not there.
Hochevar fell to the supplemental much like Paxton for the same reasons, then was the #1 overall pick the next year and Boras got what he wanted.
He wasn't as lucky with Paxton - which is to our immediate benefit.  Lookin' forward to hopefully taking advantage and getting more out of Paxton than KC is currently getting from Hochevar.
Which is why Paxton in the 4th is great to me.  If you take him #2 or something in the draft, then you've passed up a TON of other immediate-impact talents so if he busts you're in trouble. 
If he busts out of the 4th round, all you're out is money.  You already added other talents.
I don't know why no one else took him in the 2nd or 3rd the second time around in 2010, but I don't mind the Ms spending the money on Paxton one bit.  Now it's time for the returns to start coming in.

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