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Did you guys see Keith Law's scouting report on Cole from the UCLA/Georgia game Friday night (insider only):
In it, he calls Cole the number 1 prospect in the draft and compares him to Strasburg (hopefully I'm not giving away too much of his pay column):
"I think it's reasonable to discuss the comparison of Cole to Strasburg, who was the top college pitcher in the 2009 draft and among the best we've ever seen. Both pitchers are listed at 6-foot-4, 220 pounds. Strasburg had more velocity, but not a lot more -- he'd sit 94-98 and touch 100, while Cole worked at 92-98 without touching anything over 98. Both featured above-average breaking balls; Strasburg's was more consistent than what Cole showed tonight. Cole has a far better changeup, and his changeup might even be better than Strasburg's breaking ball was at the time he was drafted."
Sounds like a pretty nice consolation prize if Rendon's off the board. Or even if he's not.

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