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ghost's picture

You do raise a good point about college bats largely being inferior, weak-bodied guys who can handle a glove...but I would also argue that college pitchers will be taught more about how to pitch with the new bats. You see a TON of college pitchers come into a minor league system supposedly featuring 2 BB rates and give up 5 BB rates when they get here because the college strikezone3 is wider than AA zone and because a lot of their "command" is just throwing an arrow straight fastball on the outside edge repeatedly. You also see a lot fo current college pitchers running a very simple (and not all that effective) strategy at big leaguers when they arrive...pitch outside and throw the occasionally breaking ball to get guys to chase. They're going to be taught how to pitch inside least the smart ones.
Could be interesting to see how the next generation of college draftees will translate.

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