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Lonnie of MC's picture

Ce-oh-el-ee, that's how you spell the Mariner's first pick in the draft in June :)
If we can't get Rendon, who the M's should snap up so fast it leaves a vapor trail if the Pirates pass on him, then it has to be Cole.
I actually have a reason behind my pick beyond the obvious.  Cole shows that he is not afraid to go inside.  I like that in a pitcher.  Cole has shown great control so far, 25/4 K/BB rate and 0 (zero) wild pitches, but he's plunked 3 batters in his 3 appearances.  This tells me that the kid has a bit of an attitude about the plate and takes ownership of it.  Crowd him, and you run the risk of having the ball buzz past your earhole.  Or in it.
Give me a pitcher with an attitude like that any day of the week!

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