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I want to see these guys stay too, but with the the way FA is setup you need to identify your core early and lock 'em up for cheap.
I was screaming for the Ms to lock Felix up for 10 years back before arbitration. You'd get him cheaper and you'd get him for more years. He was pitcher, but he was a rare one with great mechanics, great stuff, projectability, etc. Lock him up. The Ms waited too long. You could have literally handed him a 10 year $60mil deal and he probably would have taken it after his rookie year.
The reality is you've got four years left now and the last three hes a $20mil player. He's still a bargain, but less so in the last 3 years of the deal, meaining if you can get a ranson for him I think thats what you need to do.
In hindsight the Ms should have re-signed RJ IMO (alhtough the trade worked well too) and the Griffey trade ended up working great. Signing Griffey long-term would have been a disaster. The Ms might have benefitted from traded A-Rod earlier on, depending on the return. He wasn't signing long-term anyways with Boras as his agent.

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