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Did you stick with Tom Terrific after he joined the Big Red Machine?  :- )
Let's not forget context, too, Moe ... 1906 pitchers could run 1+ ERA's because of the environment...  great as Seaver was, he didn't have to pitch against roids and DH's...
From age 22 to 32, Seaver averaged a good 140-145 ERA+ and had three years that were almost Koufax-class... after age 33, Seaver piled on some bulk career numbers, but early on he was the Pedro of his day...
Felix is at 133 ERA+ lifetime, but the last two years has been 170+ and he is apparently establishing a level of performance that would exceed even Seaver's.... but, if those two 170 years only cancel against Seaver's three peak years, Seaver's still ahead...
As you note, Seaver was a bit more of a K pitcher, whereas Felix' groundball tendencies make him better at HR prevention, after you adjust for context...
Up to this point in their careers, Seaver is for choice, but Felix looks poised to gearshift past him over the next few years...

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