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I love Felix and would not be happy to see him be traded, especially to the yankees! Plus, Montero's not a catcher. Where's he going to play and would he be considered such a good player as a full-time dh?  Let's not forget that we have Smoak at 1b.  Montero's also a righty and wouldn't alot of his power be hurt by Safeco? I also would want MAJOR league players for Felix, not prospects.  Prospects flame out all the time.  I'd want Cano, Hughes, Montero, and a prospect or two, even then I'd still be pissed we traded Felix!
I also think you are underestimating the view of the casual fan. I think they really love Felix and also know he's our best player with Ichicho getting old. Look at the M's commercials, Felix's have been the fave's for the last few years. The backlash would be very, very bad, and if there's anything this team hates, it's bad publicity!!

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