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I think they could do it....and live to tell about it.  But the key would be whether they contended right away.  You wou have to be a deep-into-the-playoffs team in Season One. 
You couldn't just play one round and go home.  Even a Divisional Loss wouldn't be enough.  Get to game 7 in the LCS...and then the fans would be in total buy in mode.
But you couldn't do that with the current make up.  When Pineda become truly become "The Carnage" and you have a Bedard and another arm...well then you could ship Felix in a deal that gets a #3 and a Montero and a TTO and a very nice prospect arm.
But you have to win tomorrow.  Not next week. And 10 years of 30 taters per from Montero helps people forget.
This Mariner team is not quite there, though.  I' not advocating such a move, mind you...but you could sell it.
If you win now, it would, as they say, "play in Poughkeepsie."

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