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One thing GameDay doesn't show, is where the catcher's mitt is before the pitch.  A lot of times, a FB is in a weird spot, but...that's where the catcher called for it.
Other times, the FB is centered, but ... the catcher wanted a challenge pitch.
First IP to Betancourt and Braun gave an indication of Pineda's command, once he gets into the season's rhythm:
94 fastball on the black, called 0-1
Slider outside on the black, garbage swing 0-2
94 at the knees, fouled off
Slider outside, tapped for a groundout
96 borderline, ump gives it to Braun, 1-0... great pitch
Slider for a garbage swing, 1-1
96 jam pitch on the hands, fought off for a foul, 1-2
95 up the ladder, as intended, swinging strikeout
Eight consecutive pitches executed as drawn up on the chalkboard.  We get into May, the pitchers get sharper, let's see :- )
To be sure, Pineda missed by a mile on about 10 of his 63 pitches.  Which is a good ratio.  All-Stars throw 35, 40 balls a game, a good portion of them way off target.

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