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Dr D's picture

correct ... Ghost is a banned individual, here and at virtually every other site in Seattle.
I was willing to play along with the little joke, the second screen name, provided that the second chance was put to good use.
In the spirit of trying to help him turn the second... Er, hundredth... chance into a successful one, we offered an advance explanation of the conditions under which he could be successful.
Had ghost been a new poster, of course the context and our reaction would have been different.
Coming at G-Money as though a second poster was reinforcing the old, banned, one, was particularly inappropriate.  The 'wow, it's clear you have a temper' leaves the impression that a random new poster would agree with the old one.  :sigh:
Please try to keep your negative reactions to others' posts to a minimum, ghost, in view of your track record.  
Again, since you seem to lack the ability to discern when you're getting into problems, we suggest that you simply publish your own ideas and avoid replying to the ideas of others.
Play ball :)

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