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Hi Ghost,
All of the comments below reference the replies in the thread, "Lonnie of MC on 3B Matt Mangini - Crunch".
Let me start by saying that I expected a truly acrimonious response to your comment directed at G, but the exact opposite occurred.  You initiated an improved exchange between G and Sandy, not a flame war.  The thing is, I think that is largely because G showed better behavior than I would have, but the facts are on your side.  With that acknowledgement, let me get on to my point. 
Based on Jeff Clarke's warning, I have a notion of your prior 'net identity.  This does influence my comment, but does not dominate what I have to say.  Before addressing your comment in the above hyperlinked reproachment from Jeff, I thought G_moneyball reacted with surprising sensitivity to Sandy's post.  Let me also state that I 'read' Sandy's post to be sanctimonious.  Neither of these perceptions assume intent on the part of G or Sandy, I just thought it would be valuable to give my sense of the tone that existed in that thread before you choose to post.
Heading into a delicate setting where it already appears that G is on the defensive the you start your reply with, "Lurking long enough to notice you've got an incredibly short temper, G. Wow."   Your very first sentence states that you believe G is already angry, but rather than stepping delicately you state, "You've got an incredibly short temper."  This will be viewed as criticism by most everyone since an, "Incredibly short temper," is viewed as a weakness rather than a strength.  From my vantage point, this is an odd choice of tone in an already prickly setting, but it might pass.  However, you directly follow with, "Wow."  You couldn't stop with the critique, you choose to add a sarcastic exclamation point. 
Above you state, "I was trying *very* hard to be cordial."  From my vantage point, your opening statement is a blunt criticism followed by a sarcastic exclamation point, yet you want me to believe this is your *best* attempt at polite discourse?   I must admit that I find this perplexing to the point of disbelief. 

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