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ghost's picture

...the thing about Law I was too overzealous...I personally dislike most of what Law says...shouldn't have been so foreceful about it, though.
The other post, I really don't see what I did to be confrontational in that...I was trying *very* hard to be cordial...I've read enough from Sandy to be seriously confused as to why G got on him so quickly, but I think I spent that entire conversation being non-threatening and personable while raising my objection.
And I don't think there was anything objectionable in the post that seems to have triggered this concern from Jeff (he does say he wasn't referring to that post, but...something about that post triggered concern...).
Just FWIW, I am mostly moshing off of other posts right now because I only have time to read and respond right now and because I think I do better online when my activity is lower.  Not because I'm trying to be contrarian.

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