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Cuz I've enjoyed ghost's posts, he was absolutely right to call me out for unleashing on Sandy, and all I've ever done in my 7 years in the Mariners blog-o-sphere is mosh off other peoples' posts. :)  The reason I don't have a blog is that I don't have a journalist's instinct for creating one's own pieces.  I tend to see something I either disagree with or want to emphasize and post off of other peoples' work.
So I think I'm missing whatever ghost did to raise an eyebrow as well.  I'm missing the connotation.  Cuz if he did it wrong, I've been doing it wronger and longer, I think.
As for Rendon, I dunno if it's adjustment to body as he's had his same size for a while now (not quite like a basketball player adding 6 inches of height or a football player putting on 30 lbs of muscle) so I'm not sure that it's something I'd think of first-off, but it's certainly possible.
It could be that he's just going through growing pains as his adolescent body matures into his adult one. Or maybe he's made of glass like Snelling or has "bad luck" like Greg Oden.  
I dunno.  But I'd rather bet on Rendon's injury risk level than a pitcher's any day.  If you gave me the choice at the time between Mauer and Prior, I would have gone Mauer JUST like the Twins did.  And Mauer has not been the picture of health.  Prior was a tremendous arm that couldn't stand up to the strain, and there are a lot of those.
Rendon/Cole is the purely college version of that argument, IMO.  My side hasn't changed. :)

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