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The pitching motion is a very unnatural body movement...we're asking our arms/shoulders to do things they weren't designed to do repetitively at maximum effort tens of thosuands of times. Pitching is a heck of a lot harder on the arm than playing a position is on any one body part. There's a reason we make a distinction between pitchers (who get hurt a LOT even when seemingly healthy beforehand) and hitters (who generally do not get hurt anywhere near as often, even when they've been hurt before unelss their injury is in a certain lower back problems or chronic knee trouble or plantar fascitis...things that once you have them, tend to recur).
Both of Rendon's ankle ihnjuries were flueks that healed pretty quicly and his shulder injury is unrelated and not likely to be a constant problem. The fact that he can still hit really well with the shoulder problem ongoing should tell you how unimportant it can't be that acute an injury.

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