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However, those who don't wish to be exorcised, will need to avoid the transgressions that got their material forms terminated in the first place ...
In this case, the transgression being a misconception that they had carte blanche to flatly contradict other posters and make them wish they hadn't said anything...
For example, this comment and this comment... please be advised that G-Money is himself holding one of the Aykroyd/Murray plasma guns ... :- )
Whatever you do, don't give G-Money any excuse to pull the trigger... his gun wields a seldepion blast and trust us, this is not a good thing...
Ghosts who emerge from their graves sadder but wiser, and much friendlier, might haunt a house for decades ... centuries even...
;- )  :loveyakid:
Hey Ghost have you signed up for Justin's Yahoo league?  You want to play the AL-only league also?

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