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Though I agree with you, there have been rumblings.  When "insiders" are talking about how he might slip to the Cubs but probably not out of the top ten, I just shake my head.  He's the best college hitter BY FAR this year, he will win gold gloves at 3B, he's the type of vocal leader every team needs...
And he'll hit for 3B power for sure.  Rendon's size doesn't concern me at all.
George Brett: 6', 185 pounds, 40 2B/20 homer man per 162 for his career, more in his prime.
Edgar Martinez: 6' (on his tiptoes), 175 pounds, 40 2B / 25 HR per 162, though he never played that many games.
David Wright: 6'0, 210, 40 2B / 25 HR per 162.
Rendon's right with those guys size-wise.  Probably bigger than George Brett.  He's got a thicker core like Wright and Gar. Unlike Wright, he's a tremendous fielder.
If you can get 40+ 2B and 20+ HR out of your gold glove 3B, with a good average AND a high OBP, you've got a HOFer on your team.  And this isn't like having Ichiro, a HOFer at a power position where there might be some quibbles.   There were 5 guys with an OPS over .850 at 3B in 2010, 1 over .900.  In 2009 it was 6 and 2.  2008 was 5 and 3. .850 might be a point of entry for a first basemen - it's upper echelon at 3rd.
But most of them are bad fielders.  Wright isn't acceptable but not good (forget those GGs), ditto Aramis Ramirez.
Even Ryan Zimmerman isn't what I'd call a real plus 3B glove, though he has his moments. Evan Longoria is the guy who brings it with both the bat and the glove all the time, and that's why Rendon gets comped to him so much.
Maybe Rendon will have more problems with that busted ankle, but from everything I've heard it's not the same situation that happened to Ventura and limited his career.
If the Pirates are afraid of him or believe he doesn't have the necessary power for them to move him or Pedro to first, then that's great for us.
If he slips by us, I'll be upset.  We're paying 9 mil a year for a dinky leadoff hitter who can take a walk.  Rendon can also take a walk, but in between clubbing in runs.
I understand the philosopy that a MOTO built out of glove positions is too expensive to maintain, and that it drops your pure bat potential (since a MOTO from 1B, DH and LF would theoretically club for more power than a 2B/3B/CF one).
I'm willing to give it a shot. ;)

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