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This college season hasn't gone like I thought. For one, Cole is dominating and convincing the world that he's worthy of being selected No. 1, with Rendon's struggles aside. 
My concern is that with the very real possibility of PIT taking Cole with the first pick, would the M's pass on Rendon for someone like Gray, Starling or Lindor? The national outlook on Rendon isn't as shiny like it's been the past 18 months. He's been called a definite top-five or top-ten selection but I worry how this will play on the M's choosing him or not. 
Are the injury concerns that serious? 
I think back to Ackley and his TJ surgery and how well he's progressed with no hitches regarding his health. Hopefully the same holds true for Rendon and the latest concerns with his shoulder. I think if it weren't for the two previous ankle surgeries, people would be less concerned with his overall health. 
His health doesn't concern me as much as his performance has with the new bats. I know the rest of the NCAA has been sapped of power and that he doesn't have any real hitters on his team to provide incentive for opposing team's to even pitch to him, but does Anthony Rendon's size concern anyone?
Before the 2011 season, he was compared to the Zimmerman's, Longoria's and Harper's of draft's past. But what stands out to me besides his 'natural hitting ability' is his lack of size. Rendon stands at 6'0 and 190 lb. and looks unimpressive physically. 
Has the thought occured that Rendon may 'only' be a right-handed version of Dustin Ackley (Hit Tool/Pitch Rec/Patience) but with GG 3B defense? The power might be there.. and it might not.. 

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