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LOVE it.  And you can see from his college stats how his ability to repeat the motion improved.  He went from 8BB and 5K per nine as a frosh to 4.3 and 7.4 as a soph to 2.3 and 13.2 (!!!) as a junior.
The complaints about him?  Some folks mentioned that they didn't like his arm action and pegged him as a future reliever, but I think they're just following the "27 Points of Professional Pitching" manual.  Lincecum fell with those people too.  His motion looks smooth as buttah, so I don't see the one-inning relief necessity.  Pryor, yes, but not Paxton.
The other questions? He doesn't have a plus third pitch (because 2-pitch lefties who throw in the mid-90s NEVER work out...) and he has some command issues. 
Yeah, he walked 2.3 a game (showing good and much-improved control) and had command issues. "doesn't work the third base side of the plate well," that sort of stuff.
Now remember, he comes from Vancouver.  None of this 12 month baseball season like they have in Florida, and there are better places to learn the game and get the best instruction.  He's raw.  You can see his ridiculously steep learning curve as he starts to "get it."  And then he gets interrupted thanks to Boras and getting fired from college ball, and has to go to the Indy leagues - also not the greatest coaching instruction in the world.
Paxton's arm is terrific.  I'm with you, I hope they don't mess with his motion, just try to get him to repeat it flawlessly.  He was getting better at it, then lost it a bit in Indy ball. 
If he can hit an easy 96 mph throwing that way, with command and control...he's a dream arm.  I believed Paxton would be the best starter in our system the minute he stepped foot in it, and I don't believe any differently now.
The kid's got everything it takes to be a force.  All he needs now are health and time. 

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