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I'm extremely skeptical of B.J., it's pretty clear his bat tool was overrated; Justin OTOH has already put up the results. He's only six months older than Dustin Ackley and already has three straight years of .800 OPS in the majors.
You just completed the 20-team mixed league draft. There's loads of power hitting 1B's out there. A .280, 35 HR, 100 RBI line from Adrian Gonzalez doesn't really compete. Move Upton to the AL and he's probably already in the top 3 AL RF's, with arguments for #1. Haven't followed Upton too closely, but I believe the assumption is that he's a well above average defensive RF and would end up in CF on a new team.
Not really sure where Bruce compares favorably to Upton. Heyward's interesting, but if you're dealing a Pineda you want to be banking on Major League results not Minor League projection.
Way too early to be talking about HOF level performance from Upton, but he's one out of maybe 3-5 under-27 position players who've shown all five tools in the majors.
He's got $49.5 mil left on his contract through 2015 (average of $9.9 mil per year). Not a minimum salary by any means, but you're getting three years of established MLB results which you're not going to have with a minimum salary player.

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